QQbar_threshold Documentation Table of ContentsIntroductionQQbar_threshold is a C++ library that provides functions to compute observables near the production threshold of heavy quark pairs in \(e^+ e^-\) collisions. It includes N3LO PNRQCD and partial electroweak corrections. The QQbar_threshold library can also be accessed from Wolfram Mathematica through the QQbarThreshold package. InstallationLinuxThe easiest way to install QQbar_threshold is via the included installation script. The following software has to be available on the system:
It is recommended to run the installation script in a separate build directory, e.g. wget https://www.hepforge.org/downloads/qqbarthreshold/install.tar.gz tar xzf install.tar.gz cd QQbar_threshold_source ./install.sh /my/path/ If During installation there is the opportunity to change some predefined physical constants like the W and Z masses and the default settings for some of the options discussed in the Options section. The defaults are defined in the header constants.hpp. Changing these values after installation will have no effect at best and might even lead to inconsistent results. If Mathematica (version 8 or later) is available on the system the Before using the C++ library part, it may also be necessary to adjust certain environment variables. After installation to the base directory LIBRARY_PATH="/my/path/lib:$LIBRARY_PATH" LD_LIBRARY_PATH="/my/path/lib:$LD_LIBRARY_PATH" CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH="/my/path/include:$CPLUS_INCLUDE_PATH" OS XUnder OS X, QQbar_threshold can be installed like under Linux, apart from two exceptions. First, the environment variable #!/bin/sh MATH_PATH=/Applications/Mathematica.app/Contents/MacOS/ DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH="$DYLD_LIBRARY_PATH:$MATH_PATH" $MATH_PATH/WolframKernel "$@" For the installation of the Mathematica package to work, the script file has to be in the executable path and must be named Installing more than one versionIt is possible to install more than one version of QQbar_threshold. This requires QQbar_threshold version 1.1 or later with the exception of version 2.0. The latest version has to be installed last. When using a specific version in C++ code only the header files for the version in question should be included. To prevent these header files from being overwritten by later installations it is therefore recommended to use different installation locations for different versions. The details of linking C++ code to a specific library version depend on the system and compiler in question. For example, with g++ under Linux one can use the flag Within Mathematica Basic usage and examplesIn this section, we give a brief overview over QQbar_threshold's main functionality and show several code examples. For the sake of a more accessible presentation we postpone the discussion of most details to later sections. The main observables that can be computed with QQbar_threshold are the total cross section and the energy levels and residues of quarkonium bound states. The cross section is calculated in picobarn, whereas all other dimensionful quantities are given in (powers of) GeV. While the examples below demonstrate the usage of specialised C++ header files, we also provide a header QQbar_threshold.hpp} which exposes all functionality offered by the QQbar_threshold library. Functions related to \(t\bar{t}\) production start with the prefix The C++ examples below have to be compiled with a reasonably recent compiler (complying with the C++11 standard) and linked to the QQbar_threshold library. For example, one could compile the first code snippet g++ -o resonance -std=c++11 resonance.cpp -lQQbar_threshold and run it with ./resonance The code for all examples will also be installed alongside with the library. Assuming again Mathematica usageWhile the following main text generally describes the usage in C++ programs, the C++ code examples are also followed by equivalent Mathematica code. After loading the package with Needs["QQbarThreshold`"] an overview over the available symbols can be obtained with Names["QQbarThreshold`*"] ResonancesQQbar_threshold can calculate the binding energy of the S-wave \(Q\bar{Q}\) resonances. As a first example, we calculate the binding energy of the \(\Upsilon(1S)\) resonance at leading order. The binding energy \(E^{\text{RS}}_1\) depends on the chosen renormalisation scheme and is defined by \(E^{\text{RS}}_1 = M_{\Upsilon(1S)} - 2m^{\text{RS}}_b\), where \(m^{\text{RS}}_b\) is the bottom-quark mass in the given scheme RS, and \(M_{\Upsilon(1S)}\) refers to the theoretically computed mass of the \(\Upsilon(1S)\). By default, the quark masses are defined in the PS-shift scheme (cf. the Mass schemes section). All masses and energies are in GeV, so the output implies that at leading order \(E^{\text{PS}}_1 = 0.273409\,\)GeV. #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/energy_levels.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mb_PS = 4.5; // bottom mass in PS scheme double E_1 = QQt::bbbar_energy_level( 1, // principal quantum number mb_PS, // renormalisation scale mb_PS, // quark mass QQt::LO // perturbative order ); std::cout << E_1 << '\n'; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; With[ {mbPS = 4.5, scale = 4.5}, E1 = BBbarEnergyLevel[1, scale, mbPS, "LO"] ]; Print[E1]; The corresponding residue can be computed in very much the same way using the Higher-order corrections can be included by changing the last argument to Cross sectionsOne of the most interesting phenomenological applications is the threshold scan of the \(t\bar{t}\) production cross section. The functions \begin{align} \label{eq:rt_def} \sigma_t(s) ={}& \sigma(e^+ e^- \to W^+W^-b\bar{b})\,,\\ \label{eq:rb_def} \sigma_b(s) ={}& \sigma(e^+ e^- \to b\bar{b})\,, \end{align} in picobarn. The name #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; std::cout // QQt::ttbar_xsection(sqrt_s, {scales}, {mass, width}, order) << QQt::ttbar_xsection(340., {80., 350.}, {168., 1.4}, QQt::NLO) << '\n'; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; Print[TTbarXSection[340., {80., 350.}, {168., 1.4}, "NLO"]]; Note that in this example two scales appear. As before, the first scale is the overall renormalisation scale. The second scale is due to the separation of resonant and nonresonant contributions to the cross section (cf. the Nonresonant cross section section). It exclusively appears in the top cross section, all other functions only take a single scale as their argument. GridsFor N2LO and N3LO corrections to the cross section, it is necessary to load a precomputed grid first. Some default grids can be found in the #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" #include <iostream> int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mu = 50.; const double mu_width = 350.; const double mt_PS = 168.; const double width = 1.4; for (double sqrt_s = 330.; sqrt_s < 345.; sqrt_s += 1.0) { std::cout << sqrt_s << '\t' sqrt_s ,{mu, mu_width} ,{mt_PS , width}, QQt::N3LO ) << '\n'; } } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]; With[ { mu = 50., mtPS = 168., width = 1.4, muWidth = 350., order = "N3LO" }, Do[ Print[ sqrts, "\t", TTbarXSection[sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mtPS, width}, order] ], {sqrts, 330., 345., 1.} ] ]; Grids cover a specific range in the rescaled energy and width coordinates \begin{align} \label{eq:grid_coordinates} \tilde{E} ={}& - 4/(\alpha_s^2C_F^2m_Q)E\,,\\ \tilde{\Gamma} ={}& - 4/(\alpha_s^2C_F^2m_Q)\Gamma\,, \end{align} where \(m_Q\) is the pole quark mass, \(E = \sqrt{s} - 2m_Q\) the kinetic energy, and \(C_F = 4/3\). If the arguments of the cross section functions lead to rescaled coordinates outside the range covered by the grid an exception is thrown. In the Mathematica package an error message is displayed and the cross section function will return a symbolic After loading a grid, its coordinate range can be identified as shown in the following example. For the default top grid, the range is \(-10.4956 \le \tilde{E} \le 17.0554\) and \(-1.83673 \le \tilde{\Gamma} \le -0.918367\). For the default bottom grid we would find \(-37.1901 \le \tilde{E} \le -9.29752 \times 10^{-6}\) and \(-9.29752 \times 10^{-8} \le \tilde{\Gamma} \le -4.55432 \times 10^{-15}\) #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" #include <iostream> int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; auto range = QQt::grid_range(); std::cout << "Et range: (" << range.Et_min << ", " << range.Et_max << ")\n"; std::cout << "Gammat range: (" << range.Gammat_min << ", " << range.Gammat_max << ")\n"; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]; Print["Et range: ", {GridEtMin[], GridEtMax[]}]; Print["Gammat range: ", {GridGammatMin[], GridGammatMax[]}]; If no grid is loaded 0 will be returned for all coordinate limits. Note that at most one grid can be used at any given time; if a second grid is loaded it will replace the first one. Loading a grid is not thread safe, i.e. one should not try to load more than one grid in parallel. See the Parallelisation section for more details on parallelisation. ThresholdsFor convenience, there are also the functions #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mu = 50.; const double mu_width = 350.; const double mt_PS = 168.; const double width = 1.4; const auto order = QQt::N3LO; for(double E = -3.; E < 5.; E += 1.0){ double sqrt_s = thr + E; std::cout << sqrt_s << '\t' sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt_PS, width}, order ) << '\n'; } } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]; With[ { mu = 50., muWidth = 350., mtPS = 168., width = 1.4, order = "N3LO" }, With[ {thr = TTbarThreshold[mu, mtPS, order]}, Do[ Print[ thr + energy, "\t", TTbarXSection[ thr + energy, {mu, muWidth}, {mtPS, width}, order ] ], {energy, -3., 5., 1.} ] ] ]; For the case that the centre-of-mass energy is not required anywhere else in the program, the C++ #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/threshold.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; std::cout << bbbar_xsection(QQt::threshold()+1e-3, 4.5, 4.5, QQt::N3LO) // equivalent to // << QQt::bbbar_xsection( // QQt::bbbar_threshold(4.5, 4.5, QQt::N3LO) + 1e-3, // 4.5, 4.5, QQt::N3LO // ) << '\n'; } In Mathematica, we can use the symbol Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "bbbar_grid.tsv"]; Print[BBbarXSection[QQbarThreshold + 10^-3, 4.5, 4.5, "N3LO"]]; Note that for the bottom quark the width is considered to be zero and thus the continuum cross section is discontinuous at the production threshold. In fact, the expression for the cross section directly at threshold is currently not known to N \(^3\)LO and it is necessary to add a small positive offset to the energy, which was somewhat arbitrarily set to 1 MeV in the above examples. Basic optionsThe functions provided by QQbar_threshold support a plethora of optional settings to control their behaviour. In this section we only discuss a small selection; a short summary of all options followed by a comprehensive discussion is given in the Options section. The default settings for the options are given by As an example let us have another look at the \(t\bar{t}\) threshold scan. Here, we change the renormalisation scheme for the mass from the default PS-shift scheme to the MS scheme and discard all Standard Model corrections beyond QCD. #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mu = 50.; const double mu_width = 350.; const double mt_MS = 160.; // mass mt(mt) in the MSbar scheme const double width = 1.4; QQt::options opt = QQt::top_options(); // MSbar scheme with mu_MSbar = mt_MS opt.mass_scheme = {QQt::MSshift, mt_MS}; // turn off all non-QCD corrections opt.beyond_QCD = QQt::SM::none; for(double sqrt_s = 330.; sqrt_s < 345.; sqrt_s += 1.0){ std::cout << sqrt_s << '\t' sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt_MS, width}, QQt::N3LO, opt ) << '\n'; } } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]; With[ { mu = 50., muWidth = 350., mtMS = 160., (* mass mt(mt) in the MSbar scheme *) width = 1.4, order = "N3LO" }, Do[ Print[ sqrts, "\t", TTbarXSection[ sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mtMS, width}, order, MassScheme -> {"MSshift", mtMS}, BeyondQCD -> None ] ], {sqrts, 330., 345., 1.} ] ]; Another useful option allows to modify the reference value for the strong coupling at the scale of the Z boson mass: #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mu = 50.; const double mu_width = 350.; const double mt_PS = 168.; const double width = 1.4; QQt::options opt = QQt::top_options(); opt.alpha_s_mZ = 0.1174; for( double sqrt_s = 330.; sqrt_s < 345.; sqrt_s += 1.0){ std::cout << sqrt_s << '\t' sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt_PS, width}, QQt::N3LO, opt ) << '\n'; } } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]; With[ { mu = 50., muWidth = 350., mtPS = 168., width = 1.4, order = "N3LO" }, Do[ Print[ sqrts, "\t", TTbarXSection[ sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mtPS, width}, order, alphaSmZ -> 0.1174 ] ], {sqrts, 330., 345., 1.} ] ]; For debugging purposes it can be quite helpful to print the current option settings. The following example shows the default options for top-related functions. Note that for some options the default is signified by a physically meaningless sentinel value. #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/parameters.hpp" int main(){ std::cout << QQbar_threshold::top_options(); } In the Mathematica package the current option settings if different from the default are always visible through their specification in the function call. The default settings for a given function can be inspected with It is also possible to inspect the settings used internally for the actual calculation: #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/parameters.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double sqrt_s = 340.; const double mu = 50.; const double mu_width = 350.; const double mt_PS = 168.; const double width = 1.4; const auto order = QQt::N3LO; // internal settings for top cross section std::cout << QQt::top_internal_settings( sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt_PS, width}, order, ); // internal settings for energy levels and residues std::cout << QQt::top_internal_settings( mu, mt_PS, order, ); } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; With[ { sqrts = 340., mu = 50., muWidth = 350., mtPS = 168., width = 1.4, order = "N3LO" }, Print[ TopInternalSettings[sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mtPS, width}, order] ]; Print[TopInternalSettings[mu, mtPS, order]]; ]; Correspondingly, for bottom quarks the function Scheme conversionWhile the PS scheme is appropriate for the description of threshold observables, in other kinematic regions schemes like MS may be more suitable. For converting masses to the pole scheme, QQbar_threshold provides the functions #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/scheme_conversion.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mt_PS = 168.; const double mu = 50.; //convert to pole scheme //convert to MSbar scheme QQt::options opt = QQt::top_options(); double mt_MS = mt_PS; double delta_M; do{ opt.mass_scheme = {QQt::MSshift, mt_MS}; delta_M = QQt::top_pole_mass(mu, mt_MS, QQt::N3LO, opt) - mt_Pole; mt_MS -= delta_M; } while(std::abs(delta_M) > precision); std::cout << "pole mass: " << mt_Pole << '\n' << "MSbar mass: " << mt_MS << '\n'; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; With[ {mtPS = 168., mu = 50., precision = 10^-4}, (* convert to pole scheme *) mtPole = TopPoleMass[mu, mtPS, "N3LO"]; (* convert to MSbar scheme *) mtMS = mtPS; For[ deltaM = TopPoleMass[ mu, mtMS, "N3LO", MassScheme -> {"MSshift", mtMS} ] - mtPole, Abs[deltaM] > precision, deltaM = TopPoleMass[ mu, mtMS, "N3LO", MassScheme -> {"MSshift", mtMS} ] - mtPole, mtMS -= deltaM ]; Print["pole mass: ", mtPole]; Print["MSbar mass: ", mtMS]; ]; Top quark widthThe width of the top quark is an external parameter of the #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/width.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mt_PS = 171.5; const double mu = 50.; std::cout << QQt::top_width(mu, mt_PS, QQt::N2LO) << '\n'; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; With[ { mtPS = 171.5, mu = 50. }, Print[TopWidth[mu, mtPS, "N2LO"]]; ]; It should be noted that Structure of the cross sectionBefore discussing the optional settings in detail, we first give an overview over the structure of the cross section up to N3LO in PNRQCD. A more detailed account of the effective field theory framework is given in [8], [2]. Power countingIn PNRQCD, an expansion in \(\alpha_s \sim v \ll 1\) is performed, where \(v = [\sqrt{s}/m_Q - 2]^{1/2}\) is the non-relativistic velocity of the quarks and \(m_Q\) their pole mass. The Coulomb interaction leads to terms scaling with powers of \(\alpha_s/v \sim 1\), which are resummed to all orders. Concerning the electroweak interactions including the Higgs boson, we choose the power counting \(\alpha \sim y_t^2 \sim \alpha_s^2\) for the QED coupling constant and the top Yukawa coupling. We include pure QCD corrections up to N3LO, i.e. order \(\alpha_s^3 \sim \alpha_s^2 v \sim \alpha_s v^2 \sim v^3\) relative to the leading-order cross section. Similarly, Higgs corrections are considered to the same order \(\alpha_s y_t^2\), and the Higgs mass counts as a hard scale, i.e. \(m_H\sim m_t\). The remaining electroweak corrections are mostly only included at lower orders, as detailed in the following. Resummation of QED effectsIt is customary to absorb large logarithmic corrections due to vacuum polarisation into a running QED coupling constant \(\alpha(\mu_\alpha)\), which coincides with the fine structure constant \(\alpha \equiv \alpha(0)\) in the Thomson limit. The total cross section \(\sigma(e^+ e^- \to q\bar{q})\) is then proportional to \(\alpha(\mu_\alpha)^2\). We therefore factorise the cross sections \(\sigma_Q\) with \(Q=b,t\) as follows. \begin{equation} \label{eq:sigma_noQED} \sigma_Q = \frac{4\pi\alpha(\mu_\alpha)^2}{3s}R_Q\,. \end{equation} \(R_Q\) then depends on the QED coupling only through higher-order corrections. A further source of large logarithms is given by photon initial state radiation off the electron–positron pair. Currently, we exclude this correction and all other QED corrections to the initial state. Nonresonant cross sectionSince for top quarks the width is non-negligible, it is necessary to consider the full process \(e^+ e^- \to W^+ W^- b\bar{b}\) instead of just the production of an on-shell \(t\bar{t}\) pair. A systematic analysis in the framework of unstable particle effective theory [4], [5] shows that the cross section can then be written as the sum of resonant and non-resonant production: \begin{equation} \label{eq:sigma_nonres} R_Q(s) = R_{\text{res}}(s) + R_{\text{non-res}}(s)\,. \end{equation} While the resonant part by construction only contains the contributions from top quarks near their mass shell, the invariant mass of the final state \(W\,b\) pair in the nonresonant part can be quite different from the top quark mass. In order to reduce such background contributions, it is possible to specify a cut on the invariant mass (see the Options section). The current implementation in QQbar_threshold only includes the NLO [7] nonresonant cross section. Both the resonant and the non-resonant part are separately divergent. We remove the poles using MS subtraction and associate the remaining logarithms with a new scale \(\mu_w\) (cf. the Cross sections section). While these logarithms cancel order by order in the sum, a dependence on \(\mu_w\) remains in the present implementation at N \(^2\)LO and N \(^3\)LO, since the N \(^2\)LO and N \(^3\)LO corrections to the non-resonant cross section are still unknown. However, it has already been checked [24] that the logarithms indeed cancel at N \(^2\)LO once the N \(^2\)LO non-resonant contribution is included. During the evaluation of the nonresonant cross section, interpolation on a precomputed grid is performed. While physical values of the W and the top quark mass are covered by a built-in grid, exotic parameter settings may require the generation of a custom nonresonant grid. This is covered in the Grid generation section. Custom grids can be loaded with Production channelsWhile the resonant quark pair is mostly produced in an S wave, there is also a subleading P-wave contribution starting at N2LO. Thus, the resonant cross section can be decomposed as \begin{equation} \label{eq:sigma_S_P} R_{\text{res}}(s) = R_S(s) + R_P(s)\,. \end{equation} \(R_S\) and \(R_P\) can be expressed in terms of the imaginary parts of the vector and axialvector polarisation functions, respectively. One obtains \begin{align} \label{eq:sigma_S} R_S(s) ={}& R_{S, \text{QCD}}(s) + R_{S, \text{EW}}(s)\,,\\ \label{eq:sigma_S_QCD} R_{S, \text{QCD}}(s) ={}& \big[{C^{(v)}}^2 + {C^{(a)}}^2\big]12\pi\text{Im}[\Pi_{\text{PR}}^{(v)}(s)] \,,\\ \label{eq:sigma_P} R_P(s) ={}& a_Q^2\big[a_e^2 + v_e^2\big]\frac{s^2}{(s-m_Z^2)^2}12\pi\text{Im}[\Pi_{\text{PR}}^{(a)}(s)]\,,\\ \label{eq:Cp_v} C^{(v)} ={}& e_ee_Q + v_Q\,v_e\frac{s}{s - m_Z^2}\,,\\ \label{eq:Cp_a} C^{(a)} ={}& -v_Q\,a_e\frac{s}{s - m_Z^2}\,, \end{align} where \(v_f\) is the vector coupling of a fermion to the Z boson and \(a_f\) the corresponding axialvector coupling given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:v_f_a_f} v_f = \frac{T_3^f - 2e_fs_w^2}{2s_wc_w}\,, \qquad a_f = \frac{T_3^f}{2s_wc_w}\,. \end{equation} \(e_f\) is the fermion charge in units of the positron charge, \(T_3^f\) its third isospin component, \(c_w = m_W/m_Z\) the cosine of the Weinberg angle, and \(s_w = (1 - c_w^2)^{1/2}\). \(R_{S, \text{EW}}(s)\) is the electroweak correction to S-wave production [18], [19], [20], [21]; more details are given in the Electroweak section. Pole resummationThe polarisation functions exhibit poles at \(E = E_N - i\Gamma\), where \(E = \sqrt{s} - 2m_Q\) is the kinetic energy, \(\Gamma\) the quark width, and \(E_N\) the (real) binding energy of the \(N\)th bound state. For reasons detailed in [3] the pole contributions to the polarisation functions should be resummed by subtracting the contribution expanded around the leading-order pole position and adding back the unexpanded contributions, i.e. \begin{equation} \label{eq:pole_resum} \Pi_{\text{PR}}^{(v)}(s) = \Pi^{(v)}(s) + \frac{N_C}{2m_Q^2} \sum_{N=1}^\infty\bigg\{ \frac{\big[Z_N\big]_{\text{expanded}}}{\big[E_N - E - i\Gamma\big]_{\text{unexpanded}}} - \bigg[\frac{Z_N}{E_N - E - i\Gamma}\bigg]_{\text{expanded}}\bigg\}\,, \end{equation} and similar for the axialvector polarisation function \(\Pi_{\text{PR}}^{(a)}(s)\) with the P-wave energy levels \(E_N^P\) and residues \(Z_N^P\). A more precise definition of \(Z_N\) is given in the Energy levels and residues section. It should be emphasised that in the limit of a vanishing width, i.e. for bottom quarks, pole resummation has no effect on the (continuum) cross section. In the actual implementation, it is of course not possible to evaluate the sum over the bound states up to infinity. The number of resummed poles is instead set via an option of the cross section functions and defaults to 6. From the scaling of the residues with \(N\) the resulting error on the cross section can be estimated to be comparable to the difference between resumming 4 and 6 poles and is typically at most about 2 per mille. Hard matchingQCD and HiggsThe polarisation functions without pole resummation are a product of hard current matching coefficients and the non-relativistic Green functions \(G, G^P\), \begin{align} \label{eq:Pi_v} \Pi^{(v)}(s) ={}& \frac{2N_c}{s}c_v\bigg[c_v - \frac{E + i \Gamma}{m_Q}\frac{d_v}{3}\bigg]G(E) + \dots\,, \\ \label{eq:Pi_a} \Pi^{(a)}(s) ={}& \frac{2N_c}{m_Q^2s}\frac{d-2}{d-1}c_a^2G^P(E) + \dots\,. \end{align} Here \(G(E)\) denotes the Green function at complex energy \(E + i\Gamma\). It is also understood that the products are consistently expanded to N3LO and higher-order terms are dropped. The perturbative expansions of the matching coefficients of the non-relativistic currents up to the required order can be put into the following form: \begin{align} \label{eq:hard_matching_exp} c_v ={}& 1 + \frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi} c_v^{(1)} + \bigg(\frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi}\bigg)^2 c_v^{(2)} + \bigg(\frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi}\bigg)^3 c_v^{(3)}\notag\\ &+ \frac{y_Q^2}{2}\bigg[c_{vH}^{(2)} + \frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi}c_{vH}^{(3)}\bigg]\,,\\ \label{eq:dv_exp} d_v ={}& d_v^{(0)} + \frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi} d_v^{(1)}\,,\\ \label{eq:ca_exp} c_a ={}& 1 + \frac{\alpha_s(\mu)}{4\pi} c_a^{(1)}\,, \end{align} where numerically \(d_v^{(0)} = 1\). The index \(H\) indicates corrections where a Higgs boson couples exclusively to the heavy quark. \(\alpha_s(\mu)\) denotes the strong coupling constant in the MS scheme at the overall renormalisation scale \(\mu\). Explicit formulas for the coefficients can be found in [16], [8], [26]. ElectroweakThe electroweak correction to the cross section can be written (up to the NNLO order considered here) as \begin{equation} \label{eq:sigma_EW} R_{S, \text{EW}}(s) = \frac{12N_c}{s}\alpha(\mu_\alpha)c_v\text{Im}\Big[(C^{(v)}C_{\text{EW}}^{(v)} + C^{(a)}C_{\text{EW}}^{(a)})\,G_{\text{PR}}(E)\Big] + \dots\,. \end{equation} In contrast to the QCD and Higgs hard matching coefficients discussed in the QCD and Higgs section the electroweak Wilson coefficients \(C_{\text{EW}}^{(v)}\) and \(C_{\text{EW}}^{(a)}\) have a non-vanishing imaginary part that contributes to the cross section. They can be decomposed further into a pure QED contribution and corrections involving at least one \(W\), \(Z\), or Goldstone boson. We also include the Higgs-loop correction to the s-channel \(Z\) propagator in \(C^{(v, a)}_{\text{WZ}}\). \begin{equation} \label{eq:Cva_EW} C^{(v, a)}_{\text{EW}} = C^{(v, a)}_{\text{QED}} + C^{(v, a)}_{\text{WZ}}\,. \end{equation} Note that \(C_{\text{WZ}}^{(v)}\) and \(C_{\text{WZ}}^{(a)}\) do not contain corrections from Higgs bosons coupling exclusively to heavy quarks; these are instead absorbed into \(c_v\). As already mentioned in the Resummation of QED effects section, \(C_{\text{QED}}^{(v)}\) and \(C_{\text{QED}}^{(a)}\) do not include purely photonic corrections that couple only to the initial-state leptons, yet. \(G_{\text{PR}}(E)\) is the pole-resummed Green function (see also the Pole resummation section) given by \begin{equation} \label{eq:PR_GF} G_{\text{PR}}(E) = G(E) + \sum_{N=1}^\infty\bigg\{ \frac{\big[|\psi_N(0)|^2\big]_{\text{expanded}}}{\big[E_N - E - i\Gamma\big]_{\text{unexpanded}}} - \bigg[\frac{|\psi_N(0)|^2}{E_N - E - i\Gamma}\bigg]_{\text{expanded}}\bigg\}\,, \end{equation} where \(\psi_N(0)\) is the quarkonium wave function at the origin. Like in the QCD pole resummation, \(E_N\) denotes the binding energy to the same order as the total cross section, i.e. N2LO or N3LO. According to the power counting outlined in the Power counting section, the electroweak correction first contributes at N2LO. N3LO contributions arise from QCD corrections to either of \(c_v\), \(G(E)\), or \(C^{(v, a)}_{\text{EW}}\). Since the corrections to \(C^{(v, a)}_{\text{EW}}\) are not known completely, we currently only include the N3LO contributions due to corrections to \(c_v\) and \(G(E)\). Since the mass of the bottom quark lies significantly below the electroweak scale, corrections due to W, Z, and Higgs bosons should be considered in an effective (Fermi) theory, if at all. For this reason we discard all corrections contributing to \(C^{(v, a)}_{\text{WZ}}\) when computing the bottom production cross section. Technically, these corrections are excluded whenever \(m_Q < m_Z\), so for unphysical values of the top mass also the top production cross section would be affected. Green functionsThe expansion of the S-wave Green function to third order can be written as \begin{equation} \begin{split} \label{eq:GF_exp} G(E) ={}& \langle \mathbf{0} | \hat{G}_0(E) |\mathbf{0}\rangle + \langle \mathbf{0} | \hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E) |\mathbf{0}\rangle \\ &+ \langle \mathbf{0} | \hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E) |\mathbf{0}\rangle\\ &+ \langle \mathbf{0} | \hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E)\,i\,\delta V\, i\,\hat{G}_0(E) |\mathbf{0}\rangle\\ &+\delta^{us}G(E) + \dots\,. \end{split} \end{equation} Here, \(\hat{G}_0(E)\) is the Green function operator of unperturbed PNRQCD and \(\delta V\) denotes a correction to the leading-order potential. \(\delta^{us}G(E)\) stands for the ultrasoft correction contributing only at third order. Again, this equation is to be understood as consistent expansions to N3LO. For the P-wave Green function an analogous formula holds. In this case, there is an additional insertion of \(p \cdot p'\), where \(p\) and \(p'\) are the momenta of the initial and final state. Only the first two terms (no perturbation and a single insertion) are needed at N3LO, cf. [9] for details. PotentialsThe corrections to the potential up to third order can be classified in the following way: \begin{equation} \label{eq:delta_V} \delta V = \underbrace{\delta_C V + \delta_{\text{QED}} V}_{\text{NLO}} + \underbrace{\delta_{1/r^2} V + \delta_{\delta} V + \delta_p V + \delta \text{kin}}_{\text{N}^2\text{LO}} + \underbrace{\delta_H V}_{\text{N}^3\text{LO}}\,, \end{equation}
The braces indicate the order at which these potential corrections first appear. While all QCD corrections to the potentials are implemented up to N3LO, we generally do not include N3LO electroweak corrections for the sake of consistency with the electroweak corrections to the hard matching discussed in the Electroweak section. In this vein, we exclude the QED corrections to both the colour Coulomb potential and the delta potential \(\delta_{\delta} V\). For \(\delta_{\text{QED}} V\), the one-loop (order \(\alpha^2\)) QED contribution, corresponding to a N3LO correction, is also excluded. Together with other N3LO electroweak corrections we neglect the potential induced by the exchange of \(Z\) bosons. Note that \(W\) exchange is formally beyond third order according to our power counting. Finally, the nonrelativistic quark pair can annihilate into a virtual photon or \(Z\) that again produces a nonrelativistic quark pair. This also constitutes a N3LO electroweak correction and is therefore not taken into account. Note that we do include multiple insertions of the QED Coulomb potential \(\delta_{\text{QED}} V\) into the Green function. For the similar case of the colour Coulomb potential, this prescription has been shown to lead to better agreement with numerical solutions to the Schrödinger equation [6].
For the case of a non-zero light quark (e.g. charm) mass, the potentials receive further contributions, which are known to N2LO [28], [29], [23]. Up to this order, only the colour Coulomb potential is affected. It can be decomposed as \begin{equation} \label{eq:delta_ml} \delta_C V = \delta_{C,0} V + \delta_{C,m_l} V\,, \end{equation} where \(\delta_{C,0} V\) corresponds to the contribution for a vanishing light quark mass \(m_l\). Because of the strong mass hierarchy, corrections to top-related observables due to a non-zero light-quark mass are negligible. However, in the case of the bottom quark the charm-quark mass is of the same order as the heavy-quark momentum. According to our power counting (the Power counting section) the charm contributions to the colour Coulomb potential are therefore formally of the same order as the contributions from massless quarks. In practice, charm-mass effects are found to be numerically small but computationally rather expensive, typically requiring numerical Mellin-Barnes integrations. Therefore, we liberally discard sub-leading effects during calculations. For the continuum cross section, at most the single insertion of the potential \(\delta_{C, m_l} V\) at NLO into the S-wave Green function is taken into account. The bound state energies and residues also contain the single insertion of the N2LO potential and the double insertion of the NLO potential [10]. This double insertion correction is available, but not included by default. See the option Energy levels and residuesAs noted in the Pole resummation section, the S-wave energy levels \(E_N\) are given by the position of the poles in the vector polarisation function, or, equivalently, the S-wave Green function \(G(E)\). The residues of the Green function then correspond to the modulus squared of the wave function at the origin: \begin{equation} \label{eq:psi_N_def} G(E) \xrightarrow{E+i\Gamma \to E_N} \frac{|\psi_N(0)|^2}{E_N - E - i \Gamma}\,. \end{equation} Since \(\psi_N(0)\) is a factorisation scheme dependent quantity, the \begin{equation} \label{eq:ZN_def} Z_N = \frac{4m_Q^2}{s_N}c_v\bigg[c_v - \frac{E_N}{m_Q}\frac{d_v}{3}\bigg]|\psi_N(0)|^2 \end{equation} with \(s_N = (2m_Q + E_N)^2\). Mass schemesSo far, all formulas have been expressed in terms of the pole mass of the heavy quark. Mass values in other schemes RS can be converted via relations of the form \begin{equation} \label{eq:conv_pole} m_Q = m_Q^{\text{RS}} + \sum_{i=0}^{o} \delta m_i^{\text{RS}}\,, \end{equation} where \(0 \leq o \leq 3\) is the considered order according to the PNRQCD power counting summarised in the Power counting section. The pole mass can now be substituted in two different ways [2] :
In both prescriptions, the energy variable \(E^\text{RS}\) is defined as \(E^\text{RS} = \sqrt{s} - 2m_Q^\text{RS}\), and similarly the binding energies are defined by the bound state masses minus \(2m_Q^\text{RS}\) so that \(s_N = (2m_Q^\text{RS} + E_N^\text{RS})^2\) is scheme independent (see also the Resonances section). So far, apart from the pole scheme, the following schemes are implemented in QQbar_threshold:
OptionsOptions are set by passing an
In the C++ case, it is recommended to modify an object initialised with the helper functions Note that in many cases there is more than one option that disables certain parts. In case of conflicting settings, a contribution is discarded. For example, if all QED contributions are switched off through the The
In Mathematica, the Contributions -> { vCoulomb -> {1., 1., 1.}, vdelta -> {0., 1.}, ... } To facilitate the usage, the Contributions -> ExceptContributions[vdelta -> {0., 1.}]
The input value for the strong coupling is evolved automatically to the overall renormalisation scale using four-loop evolution. For bottom-related functions decoupling to the four-flavour theory is performed only if the input scale is above the decoupling scale The final values used for the actual calculations can be inspected with the
We assume that this deviation is caused by the dimension-6 operator \begin{equation} \label{eq:yukawa_mod_op} \Delta {\cal L} = - \frac{c_{\text{NP}}}{\Lambda^2}(\phi^\dagger\phi)(\bar{Q}_3i\sigma^2\phi^* t_R) + \text{h.c.}\,, \end{equation} which implies the relation [11] \begin{equation} \texttt{Yukawa_factor} = 1+\frac{c_\text{NP}}{\Lambda^2}\frac{v^3}{\sqrt{2} m_t}\,. \end{equation} While this operator modifies the coupling to the physical Higgs boson, the couplings to the Goldstone bosons remain unchanged, provided they are expressed in terms of the top-quark mass. The operator also generates four- and five-point vertices. Since we count the coupling \(c_\text{NP} v^2/\Lambda^2\) as N \(^2\)LO, similar to \(\alpha\) and \(y_t^2\) (c.f. the Power counting section), these vertices contribute only through a Higgs tadpole diagram to the top self-energy, which has no effect in the top mass renormalisation schemes adopted here. Hence in the present approximation, the only effect of the dimension-6 operator is a rescaling of the Yukawa coupling.
This option is only relevant if the MS scheme was chosen and only affects the conversion at N3LO.
Let us comment on the usage of the two previous options by adopting two examples. (I) We want to compute the top cross section using a different value for \(\alpha(m_Z)\), say \(\alpha(m_Z) = 1/130\). (II) We think that the default scale \(\mu_\alpha = m_Z\) is too low and want to use \(\alpha(m_t)\) as input. In scenario (I) we set
The impact on observables that can be computed reliably within perturbation theory is typically small. For example, in the determination of the bottom quark mass from the 10th moment of the cross section the end result is changed by about \(0.1\) per mille, compared to an overall change of around \(0.5\) per mille when combined with the dominant single insertions [10]. In infrared-sensitive quantities like binding energies and residues of bound states with principal quantum number \(N > 5\) the effects can become significant. The calculation of the double insertions is computationally very expensive, requiring the evaluation of an infinite sum over integrals (cf. [10]). Therefore, setting this option to Finally, here are the default values for the option settings:
Advanced usageIn the following we discuss several more complicated examples that require some knowledge of the options discussed in the Options section and the structure of the cross section outlined in the Structure of the cross section section. Wave function at the originWhile the quarkonium wave function at the origin is not a physical observable, it serves as a good example to illustrate some of the more advanced options. Our starting point is the definition of the residue \(Z_N\). The following assumes that we wish to determine the wave function at the origin in the PS-shift scheme and that the #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/scheme_conversion.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/energy_levels.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/residues.hpp" int main(){ namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; const double mb_PS = 4.5; const double mu = 4.5; QQt::options opt = QQt::bottom_options(); opt.contributions.cv = {0., 0., 0.}; opt.contributions.dv = {0., 0.}; 1, mu, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO, opt ); const double s_1 = (2*mb_PS + E_1_PS)*(2*mb_PS + E_1_PS); mu, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO, opt ); std::cout << s_1/(4*mb_pole*mb_pole)*QQt::bbbar_residue( 1, mu, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO, opt ) << '\n'; } Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; With[ { mbPS = 4.5, mu = 4.5, opt = Contributions -> ExceptContributions[ cv -> {0, 0, 0}, dv -> {0, 0} ] }, E1PS = BBbarEnergyLevel[1, mu, mbPS, "N3LO", opt]; s1 = (2*mbPS + E1PS)^2; mbPole = BottomPoleMass[mu, mbPS, "N3LO", opt]; Print[s1/(4*mbPole^2)*BBbarResidue[1, mu, mbPS, "N3LO", opt]]; ]; Since \(s_N=(2m_Q + E_N)^2 = (2m_Q^{\text{PS}} + E_N^{\text{PS}})^2\) is a scheme-independent quantity we could also have computed the binding energy in the pole scheme and combined it with the pole mass. This method works analogously in the other shift schemes. In an insertion scheme, we proceed the same way. However, in this case one needs to multiply by \(s_N/(4(m_Q^{\text{RS}})^2)\). ParallelisationWhile the observables for a single given set of parameters can be calculated rather quickly, computing e.g. the cross section over a range of centre-of-mass energies and parameter settings can become somewhat time consuming. In such a situation parallelisation can lead to significant speed-ups. As an example, we show how to perform a threshold scan similar to the one discussed in the Cross sections section, but including scale variation. Our strategy is to generate a list containing the centre-of-mass energy, the cross section obtained with a default scale of \(80\,\)GeV, the minimum and the maximum cross section obtained through scale variation for each point in parallel. Since the mechanisms typically used in C++ vs. Mathematica programs are rather different, we discuss these languages separately in the following sections. Since we use threads for parallelisation it may be necessary to add additional flags for compilation. The g++ -o parallel -std=c++11 parallel.cpp -pthread -lQQbar_threshold As in the previous examples we use an abbreviation for the somewhat unwieldy QQbar_threshold namespace: namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; First, we set up a struct comprising the minimum, maximum, and default cross sections obtained for a given centre-of-mass energy: struct xs_point{ double sqrt_s; double xs_default; double xs_min; double xs_max; }; Since we call the cross section function many times with mostly the same arguments, it is also useful to define an auxiliary function that has only the energy and the scale as remaining arguments: double xsection(double sqrt_s, double mu){ static constexpr double mu_width = 350.; static constexpr double mt = 171.5; static constexpr double width = 1.33; return QQt::ttbar_xsection( sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt, width}, QQt::N3LO ); } Using this function, we can then define the scale variation for a single centre-of-mass energy. For the sake of simplicity, we use a rather crude sampling of the cross section to estimate the extrema. xs_point xsection_scale_variation(double sqrt_s){ static constexpr double mu_default = 80.; static constexpr double mu_min = 50.; static constexpr double mu_max = 350.; static constexpr double mu_step = 5.; xs_point result; result.sqrt_s = sqrt_s; result.xs_default = xsection(sqrt_s, mu_default); result.xs_min = result.xs_default; result.xs_max = result.xs_default; for(double mu = mu_min; mu < mu_max; mu += mu_step){ double current_xsection = xsection(sqrt_s, mu); if(current_xsection < result.xs_min){ result.xs_min = current_xsection; } else if(current_xsection > result.xs_max){ result.xs_max = current_xsection; } } return result; } The code to actually calculate the scale variation for various energies in parallel is then rather short: std::vector<std::future<xs_point>> results; for(double sqrt_s = 340.; sqrt_s < 349.; sqrt_s += 0.2){ results.emplace_back( std::async( std::launch::async, xsection_scale_variation, sqrt_s ) ); } For each energy, a new thread is launched for computing the scale variation. While this can be rather inefficient in practice, it still ilustrates how parallelisation can be achieved in principle. To complete the example, we should also include the appropriate headers, load a grid, and produce some output. While all these steps are straightforward, some care should be taken when loading the grid. As already stated in the Cross sections section, the Finally, here is the full code for the parallelised threshold scan with scale variation: #include <iostream> #include <iomanip> #include <vector> #include <thread> #include <future> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; struct xs_point{ double sqrt_s; double xs_default; double xs_min; double xs_max; }; double xsection(double sqrt_s, double mu){ static constexpr double mu_width = 350.; static constexpr double mt = 171.5; static constexpr double width = 1.33; return QQt::ttbar_xsection( sqrt_s, {mu, mu_width}, {mt, width}, QQt::N3LO ); } xs_point xsection_scale_variation(double sqrt_s){ static constexpr double mu_default = 80.; static constexpr double mu_min = 50.; static constexpr double mu_max = 350.; static constexpr double mu_step = 5.; xs_point result; result.sqrt_s = sqrt_s; result.xs_default = xsection(sqrt_s, mu_default); result.xs_min = result.xs_default; result.xs_max = result.xs_default; for(double mu = mu_min; mu < mu_max; mu += mu_step){ double current_xsection = xsection(sqrt_s, mu); if(current_xsection < result.xs_min){ result.xs_min = current_xsection; } else if(current_xsection > result.xs_max){ result.xs_max = current_xsection; } } return result; } int main(){ std::vector<std::future<xs_point>> results; for(double sqrt_s = 340.; sqrt_s < 349.; sqrt_s += 0.2){ results.emplace_back( std::async( std::launch::async, xsection_scale_variation, sqrt_s ) ); } std::cout << std::fixed; std::cout << "sqrt_s \tcentral \tmin \tmax\n"; for(auto & res: results){ xs_point current_point = res.get(); std::cout << current_point.sqrt_s << '\t' << current_point.xs_default << '\t' << current_point.xs_min << '\t' << current_point.xs_max << '\n'; } } MathematicaFor parallelisation in Mathematica, we have to ensure that each kernel knows all relevant definitions and has its own precomputed grid: Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; LaunchKernels[]; ParallelEvaluate[Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]]; ParallelEvaluate[LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]]; This is very different from the parallelisation at thread level we used in the C++ case. In the present example, the kernels are independent processes and therefore unable to share a common grid. It is not only safe, but even necessary to load multiple copies of a grid at the same time. For the actual threshold scan, we first define an auxiliary function for the cross section with fixed top quark properties and width scale: XSection[sqrts_, mu_] := With[ {muWidth = 350, mt = 171.5, width = 1.33}, TTbarXSection[sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mt, width}, "N3LO"] ]; To perform the scale variation, we use Mathematica's built-in XSectionScaleVariation[sqrts_] := Module[ { muDefault = 80, muMin = 50, muMax = 350, xsDefault, xsMin, xsMax, mu }, xsDefault = XSection[sqrts, muDefault]; xsMin = NMinValue[ {XSection[sqrts, mu], muMin <= mu <= muMax}, mu, Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing" ]; xsMax = NMaxValue[ {XSection[sqrts, mu], muMin <= mu <= muMax}, mu, Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing" ]; Return[{sqrts, xsDefault, xsMin, xsMax}]; ]; After this, the code for the actual parallelised scan is again rather compact: results = ParallelTable[ XSectionScaleVariation[sqrts], {sqrts, 340, 349, 0.2} ]; We complete the example by adding some code for the output: LaunchKernels[]; Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; ParallelEvaluate[Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]]; ParallelEvaluate[LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "ttbar_grid.tsv"]]; XSection[sqrts_, mu_] := With[ {muWidth = 350, mt = 171.5, width = 1.33}, TTbarXSection[sqrts, {mu, muWidth}, {mt, width}, "N3LO"] ]; XSectionScaleVariation[sqrts_] := Module[ { muDefault = 80, muMin = 50, muMax = 350, xsDefault, xsMin, xsMax, mu }, xsDefault = XSection[sqrts, muDefault]; xsMin = NMinValue[ {XSection[sqrts, mu], muMin <= mu <= muMax}, mu, Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing" ]; xsMax = NMaxValue[ {XSection[sqrts, mu], muMin <= mu <= muMax}, mu, Method -> "SimulatedAnnealing" ]; Return[{sqrts, xsDefault, xsMin, xsMax}]; ]; results = ParallelTable[ XSectionScaleVariation[sqrts], {sqrts, 340, 349, 0.2} ]; PrependTo[results, {"sqrt_s", "central", "min", "max"}]; Print[TableForm[results]]; Moments for nonrelativistic sum rulesNext to threshold scans for \(t\bar{t}\) production, the calculation of moments for \(\Upsilon\) sum rules is one of the key applications for QQbar_threshold. It is conventional to consider the normalised cross section \(R_b = \sigma_b/\sigma_{pt}\) with \(\sigma_{pt} = 4\pi\alpha(\mu_\alpha)^2/(3s)\), which can be calculated with the \begin{equation} \label{eq:M_def} {\cal M}_n = \int_0^\infty \frac{R_b(s)}{s^{n+1}}\,. \end{equation} Splitting the moments into the contribution from the narrow \(\Upsilon\) resonances and the remaining continuum contribution we obtain \begin{equation} \label{eq:M_res_cont} {\cal M}_n = \frac{12 \pi^2 N_c e_b^2}{m_b^2} \sum_{N=1}^\infty \frac{Z_N}{s_N^{2n+1}} + \int_{4m_b^2}^\infty ds\,\frac{R_b(s)}{s^{n+1}}\,. \end{equation} We now show how this formula can be evaluated with QQbar_threshold. Since discussing numerical integration is clearly outside the scope of this work, we assume the existence of a C++ header integral.hpp that provides a suitable g++ -o moments -std=c++11 moments.cpp -lQQbar_threshold -lgsl -lgslcblas For the sake of simplicity, we use the standard bottom options and only keep the bottom quark mass and \(n\) as free parameters in our example. We can then define auxiliary functions for the energy levels, residues, and the continuum cross section: static constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338328; double Z(int N, double mb_PS){ return QQt::bbbar_residue(N, mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } double E(int N, double mb_PS){ return QQt::bbbar_energy_level(N, mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } double Rb(double s, double mb_PS){ try{ return QQt::bbbar_R_ratio(std::sqrt(s), mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } catch(std::out_of_range){ return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } } Note that for the bottom cross section we have to handle the case that the centre-of-mass energy is outside the region covered by the precomputed grid. In fact, we assume that the value obtained for the continuum integral is reliable in spite of the limited grid size. For a more careful analysis, this assumption should of course be checked, for example by varying the upper bound of the integral. Let us first consider the resonance contribution. For the prefactor, we have to convert the input mass from the PS scheme to the pole scheme, which can be done with the function double M_resonances(int n, double mb_PS){ static constexpr int N_c = 3; double sum_N = 0.0; for(int N = 1; N <= 6; ++ N){ sum_N += Z(N, mb_PS)*std::pow(2*mb_PS + E(N, mb_PS), -2*n-1); } return 12*pi*pi*N_c*e_b*e_b/(mb_pole*mb_pole)*sum_N; } Since at N3LO, only the first six resonances can be computed with QQbar_threshold, we have cut off the sum at \(N=6\). For the continuum contribution, we encounter the problem that typical C++ integration routines can only evaluate integrals over a finite interval. To deal with this we perform a substitution, e.g. \(s = s(x) = 4m_b^2 + \frac{x}{1-x}\), so we have \begin{equation} \label{eq:M_cont_subst} \int_{4m_b^2}^\infty ds\, \frac{R_b(s)}{s^{n+1}} = \int_0^1 \frac{dx}{(1 - x)^2} \frac{R_b\big(s(x)\big)}{s(x)^{n+1}}\,. \end{equation} The continuum moments can then be computed with the following code: double M_continuum(int n, double mb_PS){ double const s0 = pow(QQt::bbbar_threshold(mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO), 2); auto s = [=](double x){ return s0 + x/(1-x); }; auto integrand = [=](double x){ return Rb(s(x), mb_PS)*std::pow(s(x), -n-1)*std::pow(1 - x, -2); }; return integral(0, 1, integrand); } All that remains is then to add up both contributions and add the standard boilerplate code for including headers, loading the grid, etc. It is also convenient to rescale the moments to be of order one. For this, we multiply them by a factor of \((10\,\text{GeV})^{2n}\). Finally, here is the complete code for our example: #include <cmath> #include <limits> #include <iostream> #include "QQbar_threshold/load_grid.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/xsection.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/threshold.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/residues.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/energy_levels.hpp" #include "QQbar_threshold/scheme_conversion.hpp" #include "integral.hpp" namespace QQt = QQbar_threshold; static constexpr double pi = 3.14159265358979323846264338328; double Z(int N, double mb_PS){ return QQt::bbbar_residue(N, mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } double E(int N, double mb_PS){ return QQt::bbbar_energy_level(N, mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } double Rb(double s, double mb_PS){ try{ return QQt::bbbar_R_ratio(std::sqrt(s), mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO); } catch(std::out_of_range){ return std::numeric_limits<double>::quiet_NaN(); } } double M_resonances(int n, double mb_PS){ static constexpr int N_c = 3; double sum_N = 0.0; for(int N = 1; N <= 6; ++ N){ sum_N += Z(N, mb_PS)*std::pow(2*mb_PS + E(N, mb_PS), -2*n-1); } return 12*pi*pi*N_c*e_b*e_b/(mb_pole*mb_pole)*sum_N; } double M_continuum(int n, double mb_PS){ double const s0 = pow(QQt::bbbar_threshold(mb_PS, mb_PS, QQt::N3LO), 2); auto s = [=](double x){ return s0 + x/(1-x); }; auto integrand = [=](double x){ return Rb(s(x), mb_PS)*std::pow(s(x), -n-1)*std::pow(1 - x, -2); }; return integral(0, 1, integrand); } double M(int n, double mb_PS){ return pow(10, 2*n)*(M_resonances(n, mb_PS) + M_continuum(n, mb_PS)); } int main(){ std::cout << M(10, 4.5322) << '\n'; } In units of \((10\,\text{GeV})^{-20}\), we find \({\cal M}_{10} = 0.264758\), which is in good agreement with the experimental value \({\cal M}_{10} = 0.2648(36)\). In other words, our determination of the PS mass agrees very well with the central value \(m_b^{\text{PS}} = 4.532\,\)GeV found in [10]. There, QED effects were treated differently and a non-zero mass was used for the light quark. The numerical effect on the extracted PS mass is negligible. For Mathematica, the structure is quite similar. To avoid clashes with built-in functions, we have renamed some of the variables. Needs["QQbarThreshold`"]; ZN[i_, mbPS_] := BBbarResidue[i, mbPS, mbPS, "N3LO"]; EN[i_, mbPS_] := BBbarEnergyLevel[i, mbPS, mbPS, "N3LO"]; Rb[s_, mbPS_] := BBbarRRatio[Sqrt[s], mbPS, mbPS, "N3LO"]; Mresonances[n_, mbPS_] := With[ { Nc = 3, eb = eD, mbPole = BottomPoleMass[mbPS, mbPS, "N3LO"] }, 12*Pi^2*Nc*eb^2/mbPole^2*Sum[ ZN[i, mbPS]/(2*mbPS + EN[i, mbPS])^(2*n+1), {i, 1, 6} ] ]; Mcontinuum[n_, mbPS_] := Module[ {s0, s, x}, s0 = BBbarThreshold[mbPS, mbPS, "N3LO"]^2; s[x_] := s0 + x/(1 - x); Return[ NIntegrate[ Rb[s[x], mbPS]/(s[x]^(n+1)*(1 - x)^2), {x, 0, 1}, AccuracyGoal -> 5 ] ]; ]; M[n_, mbPS_] := 10^(2*n)*(Mresonances[n, mbPS] + Mcontinuum[n, mbPS]); LoadGrid[GridDirectory <> "bbbar_grid_large.tsv"]; Print[M[10, 4.5322]]; Here, we obtain a slightly different value of \({\cal M}_{10} = 0.264857\), which stems from a different integration algorithm. Since this change can be offset by changing the input mass by a small amount of about \(0.1\,\)MeV, we can conclude that integration errors are under control. Grid generationDepending on the chosen input parameters, the precomputed grids distributed with QQbar_threshold may not be sufficient. In these cases custom grids can be generated with the Top and bottom gridsThe main function provided by this package is QQbarCalcGrid[ Energy -> {MinEnergy, MaxEnergy, EnergyStep}, Width -> {MinWidth, MaxWidth, WidthStep}, "GridFileName" ]; <<QQbarGridCalc.m; LaunchKernels[]; QQbarCalcGrid[ Energy -> {-1, 1, 1}, Width -> {1.5, 1.6, 0.1}, "top_grid_example.tsv" ]; Note that loading the package typically takes several minutes. The calculation of the grids themselves is even more time-consuming, so we restrict the examples to very small and coarse grids and suggest to rely on parallelisation as much as possible. The energy and width ranges always refer to reference values for the quark mass and the strong coupling, specified with the In some cases it is desirable to have grids that are relatively coarse in one region, e.g. at high energies, and much finer in another region. To this end it is possible to directly specify the energy and width points when calling QQbarCalcGrid[ Energy -> {{EnergiesPts ... }}, Width -> {{WidthPts ... }}, "GridFileName" ]; The following example shows how a bottom grid with a higher resolution close to the threshold can be generated: <<QQbarGridCalc.m; LaunchKernels[]; emin = 10^-6; emax = 10; n = 3; epoints = Module[ {stepfact}, stepfact = (emax/emin)^(1/(n - 1)); Table[N[emin*stepfact^i], {i, 0, n - 1}] ]; QQbarCalcGrid[ Energy -> {epoints}, Width -> {{10^-10, 10^-8}}, "bottom_grid_example.tsv", QuarkMass -> 5, AlphaS -> 0.25 ]; Note that the numerical evaluation requires at least a small non-vanishing width, which is internally set to \(10^{-9}\) for bottom quarks. For such a small width it is not possible (and not very useful) to calculate grid points with negative energies. Finally, QQbarCalcGrid[ Energy -> {...}, Width -> {...}, "GridFileName", Comments -> { "Comment in the first line of the grid file", "Comment in the second line of the grid file" } ]; The default setting Nonresonant gridsThe second function in QQbarCalcNonresonantGrid[ MassRatio -> {...}, Cut -> {...}, "GridFileName" ]; As with <<QQbarGridCalc.m; LaunchKernels[]; QQbarCalcNonresonantGrid[ MassRatio -> {0.15, 0.30, 0.01}, Cut -> {0, 1, 0.01}, "non-resonant_grid.tsv" ]; Generated on Fri Apr 27 2018 08:30:05 for QQbar_threshold by ![]() |