qqbarthreshold is hosted by Hepforge, IPPP Durham
QQbar_threshold Directory Reference


file  alpha_s.hpp [code]
 Default strong coupling constants.
file  constants.hpp [code]
 Physical constants.
file  energy_levels.hpp [code]
 Functions to calculate \(q\bar{q}\) bound state energy levels.
file  load_grid.hpp [code]
 Functions to load precomputed grids.
file  mass_schemes.hpp [code]
 Definitions of mass schemes.
file  parameters.hpp [code]
 Options for \(q\bar{q}\) functions.
file  QQbar_threshold.hpp [code]
 Wrapper exposing all public functionality.
file  residues.hpp [code]
 Functions to calculate the residues of \(q\bar{q}\) bound states.
file  scheme_conversion.hpp [code]
 Conversion between mass schemes.
file  threshold.hpp [code]
 Contains definition of the threshold class.
file  width.hpp [code]
 Top quark decay width.
file  xsection.hpp [code]
 Functions to calculate \(e^+e^- \to Q\bar{Q}\) cross sections near threshold.