Multiplicative coefficients for the potentials and current matching coefficients.
std::array< double, 3 > | v_Coulomb = {{1.,1.,1.}} |
| Corrections \(\hat{\cal V}_C^{(1)},\hat{\cal V}_C^{(2)},\hat{\cal V}_C^{(3)}\) to the colour Coulomb potential.
std::array< double, 2 > | v_delta = {{1.,1.}} |
| Corrections \(\hat{\cal V}_{1/m^2}^{(1)},\hat{\cal V}_{1/m^2}^{(2)}\) to the \(\delta\) (or \(1/m^2\)) potential.
std::array< double, 2 > | v_r2inv = {{1.,1.}} |
| Corrections \(\hat{\cal V}_{1/m}^{(1)},\hat{\cal V}_{1/m}^{(2)}\) to the \(1/r^2\) (or \(1/m\)) potential.
std::array< double, 2 > | v_p2 = {{1.,1.}} |
| Corrections \(\hat{\cal V}_{p}^{(1)},\hat{\cal V}_{p}^{(2)}\) to the momentum dependent potential.
std::array< double, 1 > | v_kinetic = {{1.}} |
| Kinetic corrections.
std::array< double, 1 > | ultrasoft = {{1.}} |
| Ultrasoft corrections.
std::array< double, 1 > | v_Higgs = {{1.}} |
| Higgs potential.
std::array< double, 1 > | v_QED_Coulomb = {{1.}} |
| Corrections due to the classical (QED) Coulomb potential.
std::array< double, 3 > | cv = {{1.,1.,1.}} |
| Corrections to the hard matching coefficient \(c_v\).
std::array< double, 2 > | cv_Higgs = {{1.,1.}} |
| Higgs corrections to the hard matching coefficient \(c_v\).
std::array< double, 1 > | Cv_QED = {{1.}} |
| QED corrections to hard matching with vector coupling to leptons.
std::array< double, 1 > | Cv_WZ = {{1.}} |
| W,Z corrections to hard matching with vector coupling to leptons.
std::array< double, 1 > | Ca_QED = {{1.}} |
| QED corrections to hard matching with axialvector coupling to leptons.
std::array< double, 1 > | Ca_WZ = {{1.}} |
| W,Z corrections to hard matching with axialvector coupling to leptons.
std::array< double, 2 > | dv = {{1.,1.}} |
| Sub-leading hard matching coefficient \(d_v\).
std::array< double, 1 > | ca = {{1.}} |
| P-wave hard matching coefficient \(c_a\).
Multiplicative coefficients for the potentials and current matching coefficients.
E.g. setting
options opt;
opt.contributions.v_delta = {{0.0, 1.0}};
implies that corrections due to the leading-order delta potential are multiplied by zero, i.e. effectively discarded, but corrections from the next-to-leading delta potential are kept.
The contributions are defined as in [8].